Tuesday, November 8, 2011

3: YouTube

It's the little things in life...
like those YouTube videos you watch.

I don't have much to say about this post, but I think YouTube is one of the best creations on the internet! It's an amazing resource for: a good laugh, a smile, to learn, to gossip, to get a job, to watch trailers, to become famous, to show off your talents, to express your ideas, to get feedback, to watch the latest music videos...Thanks to a friend who posted this video on my wall today! This video made me smile :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

2: Laughing

It's the little things in life...
like laughing.

Having a good laugh a day could change the whole outcome of the day. Not to mention, studies say it's healthy to laugh. Just "google it" and you'll find many articles saying that "laughing is the best medicine." :D

Unfortunately, I haven't had a good real laugh in a long time. Sure I've encountered many funny, even hilarious events, but I just can't genuinely laugh to the point where my stomach hurts. Or to the point that tears come pouring out. Or to the point where I can't breathe it's so funny. I miss that and I hope to find something soon worthy of a genuine laugh.

And I'm sure many other people are missing this feeling without even knowing it. So if you're one of these people, I hope you find something genuinely funny. And if you're one of these people's friends, make someone's day and help them laugh, not just a little, but a lot. Seeing something as genuine as a real laugh is something special and worth witnessing because you know you helped someone have a better day.

Here's a video that I was introduced to a little less than 3 years ago and cracks me up to this day:

Go On, Laugh On!

Sunday, November 6, 2011


It's the little things in life...
like seeing someone smile while walking past them.
it makes me smile too.

I wonder what they're happy about and imagine they just had their day made for some random reason that only they will know. It's moments like these when seeing others happy makes me happy and therefore am happy for them. I'm neither envious nor am I bitter, I'm just glad to see that in today's world with so much hate, cruelty, pain, and sadness, people can still be happy everyday.

I have a friend who has thee worst luck I've ever witnessed and so much bad stuff has happened to her it almost seems as if she has some horrible curse on her. Yet, she comes to work with a smile on her face. Though sometimes it's a fake smile, she tries to make the best of her life. With all the bad things going on in her life, she can still continue on with a smile. She doesn't complain about her life, she doesn't curse at the world, she doesn't allow her life to be altered by all the shit. I admire her and her strength. It's not like she ignores the bad or tries to forget it, she knows that's just how things are and deals with them the best she can. I mean that's all we can do.

Trying to make the best of every situation isn't being too optimistic, naive, or ignorant, it's recognizing the fact that you're not the only one and everyone has those bad days, you just don't have to make other people's days bad because you aren't happy. It's a part of being mature and understanding that things are meant to be let go, misunderstood, and life just isn't your idea of perfect.
To all those out there in a bad mood today and everyday. Smile. You might make someone else's day, you might inspire someone, and you just might be happy. So just smile :)