Wednesday, December 14, 2011

4: Hurtful Words

It's the little things in life like... a word or the way a word is said which can really hurt.

It's important to be considerate about what you're saying to whom. And if you later found out you were being inconsiderate, at least apologize after, doesn't matter how late, but apologizing at all makes a huge difference. And don't say "that's how I am, you can't change me" that just makes them not want to be around you even more. Even if it's one of your best friends.

I've been in many friendships, even now, where I am hurt by the words my friends say. But they don't realize it. I dont realize how hurt I am till after the fact, when I have anxiety about being around them. Even if they say something little because "it's just the way they are" or they're on an "off-day" (like every day), it adds up.

This post isn't to complain about just hurtful words that affect a person, but to say that it's important to know what you're saying and how it could affect others. Even if the person you're talking about ends up brushing it off eventually, for a moment, even just a moment, it hurts.  I know I've done it, and apologized. I witness it every day and it hurts me to see it being done to others.

This post is my first step to voicing my words against those who hurt me with words. big or small. friend or foe. I know need to voice my hurt more... and so do you.